Hello, and welcome to what to do when bordom stikes. First of all thank you for looking at my account now prepared to be enlightend!
When bordom stikes here's what you can do...
1. Play video games trying to get all the achievments for a game.
2. Watch random crap on youtube, find something you like and spam in the comment section.
3. Time how long it takes you to get your comment marked as spam.
4. Try and figure out something cool/fun you can learn how to do.
5. Spend some time trying to figure out how to do it without tutorials.
6. If you fail go on youtube or just search for some tutorials.
7. Study for school. (Warning: Only do this if your a trained professional)
8. Read a book. (Same warning as above)
9. Watch a flash movie.
10.Watch every new flash submission until all the titles are blacked out.
11.Rate every one.
12.Do the same with the audio portal.
13.Start an extremely long download for no apparent reason.
14.Rick roll your whole family one by one including pets.
15.Make a video and post on youtube saying "Omg, woot u shud totly vot 5 for mai video!"
16.Mark everyone who comments as spam.
17.Reply and say "Ha ha your so funny 'insert name here'!"
18.Get a job.
19.Go to a resturant and smile at everyone trying to creep them out.
20.Prank call some people. (Only fun if you record it or have friends over)
21.Try and get you parents or grand-parents to play a video game with you.
22.Start a chain mail.
23.Make a post on your account like this.
24.Read this post this far.
25.And after all of this you should be unbored.
If your still bored after you did all of this then, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, WHY CAN'T YOU DO SOMETHING USEFUL WITH YOUR TIME!!!!!
Lol, thanks again for checking out my account and give yourself a big hug and/or pat on the back if you read this whole post.